1166 Federal Credit Union Joins cuBIZloan.com

By: cuBIZloan


Swedesboro, NJ and Princeton, NJ

cuBIZloan.com is excited to welcome 1166 Federal Credit Union to our commercial and member business loan Referral Credit Union (RCU) program. 1166 FCU is looking forward to offering access to business loans, adding value to their current business checking and credit card services.

The RCU program provides an avenue for businesses, investors, and not-for-profits to request a business loan through 1166 FCU. cuBIZloan collaborates with the borrower to determine the best loan product and connects them to a trusted lending partner in the referral network.

The Referring Credit Union generates non-interest income and cuBIZloan provides the member business lending expertise! “Additionally, there is an opportunity to sell a portion of the loan back to lenders in the network. Everyone prospers by working together,” said Murray Halperin, Managing Member of cuBIZloan.

1166 Federal Credit Union is a credit cooperative corporation providing affordable credit products and financial services as an employer benefit for Multiple Employers throughout the Southern New Jersey Region. For membership information and current rates call 856-542-9241 or visit 1166fcu.org.

cuBIZloan.com is a partnership between Biz Lending & Insurance Center, Inc. and CrossState Solutions, Inc. Our mission is to help credit unions provide a full range of products specifically designed to satisfy a business owners’ financial and development needs. For more information visit cuBIZloan.com.

For more information contact:

Murray Halperin, Managing Member           Annemarie Shinn, CEO
cuBIZloan, LLC                             1166 Federal Credit Union   
(609) 270-0200                             (856) 224-2134
murrayh@cubizloan.com                      ashinn@1166fcu.org